by Tobe Osakwe Aug 27, 2023

Here’s how to redeem a promo code in Regios Automatic Discounts:

Step 1: Go To The “Choose Plan” Page

Screenshot of the Regios Discounts app navigation.

In your Shopify admin, open the “Regios Discounts” app, and then click on “Choose Plan” in the app navigation on the left side of your screen.

Step 2: Enter Your Promo Code

Screenshot of the 'Have a discount code?' form.

Now, scroll down to where it says “Have a discount code?” and enter the promo code you received. Then, hit “Apply”. The button will start spinning.

Once it’s done loading, you should see a tag icon and your discount code appear:

Screenshot of the tag icon and discount code after they've been applied.

Step 3: Select A Plan And Start Your Trial

Screenshot of a discounted pricing plan.

If everything went well, you should see X% OFF next to all the paid plans. Choose the one that best fits your needs, and hit “Start 7-day free trial.”

This would be a great opportunity to try an annual plan, as the promo code discount you’ve received stacks on top of the 20% annual discount.

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns!